200 Georgetown Way, Charlottesville, VA 22901 | 434 977 4600

Preventative Care
The old adage, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” certainly holds true when it comes to pet health. Even if your pets aren’t excited about going to the vet, the cost of prevention is often a fraction of the cost of treating a disease or problem once it has become more advanced, and early diagnosis and treatment of developing problems or diseases can increase the likelihood of successful outcomes. Georgetown Veterinary Hospital provides preventative care for dogs and cats to keep them healthy well into the future.
Even healthy dogs and cats should be examined by a veterinarian at least once a year, preferably twice a year. If your pet is older or has medical problems, more frequent visits may be necessary. Physical exams can detect heart murmurs or skipped heartbeats, enlarged lymph nodes, skin and/or abdominal tumor, and enlarged or shrunken kidneys, liver, or spleen that may indicate systemic disease. A look at the eyes can determine your dog’s visual capacity. An orthopedic evaluation can tell if your dog is arthritic and in need of pain medication. An evaluation of the skin and coat will determine the need for flea and tick control or diagnose skin infections (bacterial, fungal, or parasitic). Hair loss may indicate systemic disease or hormonal imbalances. The American Heartworm Society advises annual heartworm blood testing. Intestinal parasites can affect both dogs and humans, so a stool sample should be analyzed at least once (preferably twice) a year. To diagnose organ malfunctions in the early stages, blood tests (complete blood count, chemistry panel, and thyroid screen) and urinalysis should be performed annually. If problems are diagnosed, more frequent testing may be necessary. For dogs in areas where ticks are prevalent, screening for vector-borne diseases like Lyme disease or ehrlichiosis may be advised.
Parasite Prevention - Dogs should be given medication to prevent heartworms all year long in endemic areas. Many heartworm medications also prevent or treat intestinal parasites, and some may also treat fleas and ticks. Your veterinarian can provide these medications and a parasite prevention protocol can be tailored to your dog.
Immunizations - Vaccinations are divided into two groups: core vaccines and non-core (optional) vaccines. All dogs considered stable and healthy to vaccinate should be immunized for rabies, distemper, canine parvovirus, and canine adenovirus-2 (hepatitis) (usually offered as a combined DAP vaccination). Vaccination for kennel cough, Lyme disease, leptospirosis, and canine influenza may be recommended for dogs with potential exposure to these diseases. See the “Vaccines for Dogs” handout for more detailed information.
Weight Maintenance - Research has shown that leaner dogs and cats live longer and have fewer health problems. Your veterinarian can provide you with dietary and exercise recommendations to help your pet stay as healthy and happy as possible.
Spaying/Neutering - Spaying or neutering can have numerous health and behavior benefits. Having this surgery done can prevent infections and some types of cancer. Your veterinarian will discuss these benefits and the timing of the surgery for your pet.
Preventive healthcare involves a multi-faceted approach that includes veterinary evaluation of your pet’s overall health and risks of disease or other health problems. We will provide you with recommendations for your pet’s nutrition, dental care, vaccinations and heartworm/flea/tick prevention, as well as recommendations specifically tailored to your pet’s health status and risk factors. If you’re not sure whether your pet is up to date on his/her preventative care or need to make an appointment, call 434 977 4600.
Dental Care
Oral hygiene is extremely important to the overall health of your pet and care needs to be provided to keep the mouth healthy. Oral hygiene starts at home with regular brushing, proper chew toys, and special treats for keeping gums and teeth healthy. However, significant tartar and plaque build up on teeth after the first couple of years and can cause significant disease by three to four years of age if proper care is not maintained. Georgetown Veterinary Hospital provides professional dental care for your pets.
Please make an appointment for your pet’s dental cleaning by calling 434 977 4600.
Dental Procedures - Dental procedures for dogs and cats are carried out Monday through Friday.** Georgetown Veterinary Hospital is fortunate to work with Board Certified Specialist in canine and feline medicine, Dr. Ed Taylor. Dr. Taylor is a Fellow and Past-President of the Academy of Veterinary Dentistry. He performs complicated dental and oral surgeries such as root canals and endodontic and prosthodontic procedures on an as needed basis at our facility.
Some of the routine dental services we offer are:
Teeth scaling to remove tartar build up
Dental radiology – to detect otherwise evasive abnormalities of teeth and jaws
Dental cleaning
Dental extractions
**All animals scheduled for surgery should arrive at GVH between 7:30-8:30am that day unless other arrangements are made in advance.
Our surgery suite and large treatment and recovery area enable our doctors to provide the utmost in quality and care for a variety of routine and elective procedures. Each patient is closely monitored during and after surgery and when necessary is placed in an intensive care area.
• Spay-Neuter
• Dermatological (skin and ears)
• Ophthalmic (eye and eyelids)
• Tumor/Cancer
• Gastrointestinal – stomach, intestines, liver, spleen
• Oral and Dental
• Argental (kidney, bladder, urethra)
Our doctors use the latest, state-of-the-art equipment, modern anesthesia and patient monitoring systems. We provide a full suite of surgical services for your pet. We know that there can be uneasy feelings about your pet going under anesthesia, but we take pride in the care that we provide, and we tailor the latest in anesthetic monitoring, surgical techniques and pain management to each patient. Our same-day, real-time blood work results decrease the risk of serious complications during anesthesia and recovery. We strive to keep you and your pet comfortable and will address any specific concerns you may have.
Neuter Or Spay – We recommend this for puppies and kittens between 4 and 6 months of age.
What to do to prepare for surgery?
Pets, like us, need preparation prior to surgery. Drop-off time the day of surgery is between 7:30 and 8:30 am. Please do not give your pet any food after 8 pm or any water after midnight the night before surgery. If your pet is taking any daily medications, please call for instructions. Make sure you leave a phone number where you can be reached while your pet is with us. When your pet is in the hospital, we know you are concerned, so call us anytime, and we will be glad to give you a medical update on your pet’s recovery. If your pet has an unexpected critical change, the veterinarian will contact you immediately. Most pets go home the same day, but some surgeries will require an over night stay. When your pet is ready to go home, pick up is between 4 and 6 pm.
For the protection of your pet and other pets in the clinic, we require all pets scheduled for surgery and hospitalized pets have current vaccinations. Dogs and cats need current Distemper and Rabies vaccines and dogs also need a current heartworm test. Pets who are not current with requirements will be given the vaccines or test when admitted. This policy is always enforced.
Pre-surgical blood work is performed before all surgeries. Our routine pre-surgical blood work includes testing for anemia, protein levels, kidney and liver disease. For our Senior pets we recommend additional testing and IV fluids. Any issues detected from the blood work will be addressed before the procedures, and other tests may be recommended prior to surgery. Pain control, in addition to anesthesia, is provided during and after for every patient.
Diagnostic Services - In the unfortunate case that your pet is experiencing a medical issue, our doctors will provide thorough analysis through a complete physical exam and other diagnostic testing. Our in–house laboratory and radiographic capabilities allow us to provide prompt and proper treatment. Additional diagnostic services include ultrasound and electrocardiogram (EKG). When necessary, university and veterinary laboratories provide specialized diagnostics.
Imaging - GVH is proud to offer digital radiology and ultrasonography for patients requiring imaging services. Both are noninvasive diagnostics that aid in recognizing a variety of conditions.
Digital radiology: Digital radiology may represent the greatest technological advance in medical imaging over the last decade. It allows for almost immediate viewing of images and allows for rapid sharing of images if a consultation proves necessary.
Radiographs, or x-rays, allow our veterinarians to see detailed images of your pets’ bones and even some of their intra-abdominal organs.
Ultrasound: Ultrasound assists veterinarians in many ways. Pregnancies in dogs and cats can be confirmed and monitored through ultrasound, as can abnormalities in the liver, kidneys and other organs. Ultrasound is useful in determining heart and lung health and in monitoring cardiopulmonary disease as well.
Labwork GVH is pleased to be able to offer a full service laboratory to our clientele. We are able to analyze most samples (blood, urine, feces) in-house and can often provide test results shortly after samples are obtained. We occasionally rely on off-site licensed laboratories for tests that our outside our capabilities.
Cardiology - Cardiology is the branch of medicine dealing with the heart and its diseases. As is true for humans, heart health is a major factor in the longevity and quality of our pets’ lives.
The veterinarians at GVH have many resources available to them to diagnose and treat heart conditions in dogs and cats. A few of the diagnostic procedures we use to evaluate cardiac function are: Electrocardiogram Echocardiogram Radiology Pulse oximetry.
Opthamology - It’s been said that the eyes are the window to the soul. Whether or not that’s true, we know they’re very important to your pet’s quality of life. Eye care is a priority at GVH and we have many resources available to us to care for your pets ‘eyes. Not only are we prepared to treat injuries and infections of the eyes, but we’ll monitor your pets’ eyes for age-related changes at every wellness visit.
Hospitalization & Intensive Care
Georgetown Veterinary Hospital is proud to offer full service hospitalization and intensive care for dogs and cats requiring more care than outpatient treatment can provide. We hope you and your pets never need to rely on us for hospitalization, but if you do, we’re here for you. Our dedicated team of veterinarians and licensed technicians will use all necessary resources in providing the best medical care available for your pet.
Some of the supportive treatments available to inpatient animals are:
Oxygen therapyIntravenous (IV) fluids
IV antibiotics
IV pain medications
Urinary catheterization
Radiographic studies
Animals requiring care or monitoring after hours will be transported to one of our local emergency hospitals prior to the closing of GVH for the day.
Georgetown Veterinary Hospital is proud to offer comfortable, climate-controlled boarding environments for dogs and cats of all sizes, breeds and ages. We also provide some routine professional grooming services if your pet needs it.
Please call ahead to book your pet’s stay at GVH. All dogs and cats boarding at GVH must be free of internal and external parasites and current on all vaccinations.
Cat Boarding - We offer your pet felines an indoor climate controlled kennel with all the comforts of home. Our cat center offers a safe, quiet, dog-free haven. In addition bathing and limited grooming is provided.
Dog Boarding - Georgetown Veterinary Hospital is proud to offer a comfortable, climate controlled environment for dogs of all sizes, breeds and ages. We welcome puppies and senior citizens and we’re also happy to care for dogs with special needs. One of the many advantages to boarding with us is that we are prepared and staffed to handle the additional challenges that animals with medical needs bring. Insulin injections, oral, injectable and topical medications, eye and ear preparations and other necessary treatments can be administered by our dedicated team of professionals while your pet stays with us. Your dog will have his own cozy kennel and will have outside time in a fully fenced, covered area every day. Dogs at Georgetown Veterinary Hospital always have fresh, cool water and comfy, dry place to lounge day and night.
If you’d like to make an appointment for your pet, give us a call at 434 977 4600. If your pet is a new patient, we ask that you print out a PATIENT FORM, fill in the information and bring it to your appointment. If you have any questions, you can give us a call or fill out the form below.
Boarding Requirements - Please call ahead to book your pet’s stay at GVH. All dogs and cats boarding at GVH must be free of internal and external parasites and current on all vaccinations.
The required vaccines are as follows:
Cats: FVRCP and Rabies
Dogs: DHPP, Rabies and Bordetella (Kennel Cough)
Your pet will be treated with a topical flea control product before being admitted for boarding if fleas are present at check in. Should your pet become ill while boarding our veterinarians will contact you and provide the necessary care to keep your pet’s stay with us a comfortable one. We will gladly administer any medications (injectable, oral and topical) to our boarders for a small additional fee. If your pet requires a special diet, please bring enough food, labeled with your pet’s name and times and amount to be fed for their entire stay when you check in.
Contact Georgetown
Call us for an appointment 434 977 4600 or submit the form below.